An Inside Look at Essential Oils

Posted by Aaron Jarrels on Jan 13th 2021

An Inside Look at Essential Oils

What Are Essential Oils?

essential oils | VentSense

Photo by Christin Hume

Basically, essential oils are any plant-based, volatile oil containing any mixture of biochemical compounds along with the characteristic aroma of the plant it comes from. Most often made from the liquid extracts of various plants believed to be potentially beneficial.

Manufacturers use various ways to extract essential oils, including:

  • Cold pressing. This process mechanically presses or squeezes plant matter to release the essential oils.
  • Distillation by Water or Steam. This process uses hot water or steam to remove theessentialcompounds from the rest of the plant matter.

Some manufacturers may even add a carrier oil to get more final products from extracted essential oil. These could no longer be sold as pure essential oils, but as a mixture, so watch the labeling.


Essential oils | VentSense

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Commonly used in aromatherapy to bring about mental and physical wellbeing, essential oil shave been used for centuries by various cultures around the world. Through aromatherapy, it is believed that the practice of blending different therapeutic essential oils can stimulate the desired response sought by the user.

In addition to just being in the air, essential oils can be applied or massaged into the skin, inhaled or immersed in water.

While the use of essential oils has not formally been evaluated for medical effectiveness, it remains a popular complementary therapy for helping with symptoms of certain health conditions. Used by many alternative health or life coaches as a supplement to their other services.


White Flowers | essential oils | VentSense

Photo by Gemma Evans

While claims made by some companies producing essential oil products and their distributors thatessentialoilsare‘natural’ and therefore must be‘safe to consume’ that is not the case.

In reality, essential oils are certainly not safe to consume and can cause significant poisoning even if ingested even in only small amounts. Keep away from children and pets.

"The Western Australian Poisons Information Centre (WAPIC) has recorded an increase in poisonings as a result of essential oil ingestions in children. It is therefore important that essential oils are stored securely in a child-resistant container and kept out of reach of children."

Those with sensitive skin or use in the nostrils of undiluted essential oils can cause irritation or even a burn. An allergic reaction and a skin rash can also occur on those who are susceptible. Use caution with essential oil application or use.


essential olis | VentSense

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

A small recent study of 300 patients found that those who inhaled a mixture of cardamom, ginger, peppermint, and spearmint had far less nausea after surgery than those who didn't. Other research shows that lavender oil can actually lower levels of cortisol the stress hormone in some, and inhaling lemongrass aroma before a stressful event can sometimes prevent anxiety. Studies also indicate that oregano and tea tree oils can fight off certain microbes, making them popular treatments for ailments such as toe fungus and dandruff. Other oils have even been used as an anti-inflammatory.

The trouble according to critics including some longtime aromatherapists, is all too often companies overstate the potential of essential oil use while downplaying the inherent risks.


VentSense essential oil dispersal method

Having the benefits of aromatherapy can be easy and safe if you disperse the oils properly. Being able to adjust just how much oil is applied and reducing the dispersal to periodically can make enjoying great smelling air as well as the potential elevations of mood from aromatherapy easy. A custom air freshener, the VentSense essential oil dispersal insert can help keep the oil out of the reach of children and pets.