Why You Need the New VentSense Silver

Posted by Aaron Jarrels on Feb 15th 2014

Why You Need the New VentSense Silver

Have you ever wished that there was something that could protect you from indoor airborne microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses? Basically, a protective mask for your home, work, or public building? Well, now there is, the patented VentSense Silver.

For centuries, the anti-microbial properties of silver have been well documented. According to “Silver. A powerful weapon against microbes” Kent Nielson explains how the positively charged ions (Ag+) of silver possess an antimicrobial effect through several modes of action. Read about it here. But long story short silver destroys microbes.

Effects of silver ions on Bacteria.

Antimicrobial effects of silver

According to Grace DeWitt from Applied Silver "While researchers across the globe advance in their pursuit of an answer to SARS-CoV-2, it can already be said that the combination of silver’s ability to effectively combat viruses and antibiotic-resistant pathogens makes it a highly effective infection control technology in response to public health situations and associated concerns around secondary infections by antibiotic-resistant pathogens."

VentSense Silver is a patented filter that can be easily installed into almost any standard A/C vent without the use of any tools or requiring the removal of the vent cover. It contains silver in the form of embedded threads in the filter material. As the air passes through the filter, microbes can come into direct contact with the silver potentially transferring the silver ions to the microbes. Additionally, substances such as Lysol™ or other antibacterial agents can easily be applied to the filter before installation or on any scheduled intervals as desired.

The patented VentSense Silver is a sturdy reusable framed filter that can be easily washed and reused. It comes in several standard sizes with new sizes being added regularly.

Due to the increased demand and delayed production, the VentSense Silver is currently unavailable for purchase. Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when it becomes available.